The planning day

The planning day is a meeting facilitated by the Gateway Review Team Leader that both the project team and review team attend.

It is held approximately two weeks prior to the review and provides the review team with the opportunity to meet the Senior Responsible Owner and project team, to find out more about the project, and to plan the logistics and set a code of conduct for the review week.

Gateway reviews focus on the review team finding out more about a project by discussing the project with people involved with and/or affected by the project and reviewing project documentation.

The planning day provides an opportunity for the review team determine who they would like to speak with during the review week and what project documentation they would like available before and/or during the review.

Following the planning day, the project team are responsible for scheduling appointments with the people that the review team would like to speak with and gathering the requested documentation.

Planning day outline

An approximate schedule for the planning day is outlined below. This is flexible and can be customised to suit the individual circumstances of a review:

  • Review team meet online (or at the venue). Re-enforce team rules for the review and have preliminary discussion regarding the Gateway Review Process and the project information provided as pre-reading.
  • Review team meet with the project team. Project team provide an overview (approx one hour) on the current status of the project and progress to date. A list of stakeholders for interview during the review week is discussed with the project team, including relevant documents required for the review.
  • Review team uses this time to discuss the project, documents and stakeholders (sometimes among themselves). They will determine the stakeholders who they would like to meet during the review and plan the logistics for the review week, as well as determine what additional information they require.
  • Review team and project team agree the logistics for the review, including location, stakeholders to be consulted and additional information required. 
Reviewed 30/09/2024
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